
In 2021, PictoryTale launched its AR platform, SnicSnac, for creating, publishing, and experiencing AR content on a smartphone or AR glasses.

This platform provides users with a library of virtual props organized in what we call “movie-packs”, which can be used to create AR scenes and videos by combining virtual elements in a real-world setting for storytelling.

SnicSnac also enables qualified content partners to publish their content (such as videos, alpha channel videos, 3D objects or animations) and share it via our platform or even via other Social Media channels.

Follow this link to learn more about SnicSnac and to experience some of the amazing videos created by it at

SnicSnac is available today in the app stores:


In 2022, PictoryTale launched its AR platform, Volories, for aggregating, publishing, and experiencing AR content on a smartphone or AR glasses.

This platform allows users to experience location-based mixed reality stories, tours, concerts, and educational or creative experiences. Qualified content partners such as media companies, tour agencies, and individuals can publish their own mixed reality experiences at different locations. Users can then activate them by visiting the spots, or accessing QR codes in a physical space, or by using their NFTs. This opens up the possibility to earn money by selling your tour or experience led by your digital twin who can be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Follow this link to learn more about Volories and to experience some of the amazing videos created by it at

Volories is available today in the app stores: